Ordering & Shipping

Where do you ship to?

We provide global shipping to over 200 countries. For location inquiries, please reach out to us.

How long does shipping to the US take?

  • Products shipping from our US warehouses typically arrive within 5-10 business days.
  • Items shipping internationally will take 10-15 business days.
  • You'll always receive a tracking number once your order is shipped

What is your return policy?

We want you to love your purchase! You can find our full return and exchange policy "Return Policy"

Is ordering online at Eternal Gleams Secure?

Your information is very safe atEternal Gleams. We take the utmost care with the information that you provide us when placing an order on our website. Our server encrypts the transmission of all credit cards and personal customer information.Eternal Gleamsdoes not hold or store any of your card details. When paying online, you will be redirected to an authorization page or payment gateway managed by your bank. You may also be redirected to a verification page if you are using a Visa or a MasterCard. All the information you provide during the ordering process is private and secure, and we make sure that all our employees are up-to-date on our security and privacy policies.

Product FAQ

How do you select your products?

We're passionate about curating a collection of bold, expressive fashion and home finds. We carefully source pieces that balance quality, style, and accessibility.

I'm concerned about quality, especially since you're a growing business.

We understand! We're committed to building trust as we grow. While we partner with suppliers globally to offer unique pieces, we prioritize quality. If you ever have a quality concern, please contact our support team immediately.

How can I get help with sizing or product questions?

You Can find Size Chart at product page, also we're here to help! Contact us through our contact page and we'll gladly assist you in finding the perfect fit or answering any product questions.


Where can I leave feedback or ask questions?

We'd love to hear from you! You can reach us through ourcontact form, or leave a review on our product pages, also Our Chat Bot is here for you.